Staggering amount of thinking is going through our mind constantly.

Researches have been done on number of thought a day a person has.

Fact1: Experts estimate that the mind thinks between 60,000 – 80,000 thoughts a day. That's an average of 2500 – 3,300 thoughts per hour. That's incredible. Other experts estimate a smaller number, of 50,000 thoughts per day, which means about 2100 thoughts per hour.

2: We are aware of a tiny fraction of the thinking that goes on in our minds, and we can control only a tiny part of our conscious thoughts. The vast majority of our thinking efforts goes on subconsciously. Only one or two of these thoughts are likely to breach into consciousness at a time.

3: What is “a thought”? an idea or opinion produced by thinking or occurring suddenly in the mind. We don’t have philosophical ideas throughout the day; Majority of our thinking is about things that grab our attention. Labelling things, judging events, people occupy our mind.

Fact 2: Being autopilot or Waking sleep is a common situation we are engaged in the various activities of life but without being really present. In other word, we travel from one place to other but are unaware of almost anything that took place in between.

Car accidents: According to NZTA, in 2017, driver distraction crashes was a contributing factor in 36 fatal crashes, 192 serious injury crashes and 905 minor injury crashes. One of the main distractions is thinking about something other than driving. Driving a car while mind is somewhere else. Thinking about dinner, meeting, email, etc.

Fact3: Good news is that we have a Choice: When you leting go of your thoughts and observing what’s going on in our mind.

Notice When You're Thinking Too Much. Awareness is the first step in putting an end to overthinking. Deep breathing would help to reduce number of thoughts significantly.

Researches show that deep breathing calms you down by triggering neurons in your brain which tells the body it is time to relax. Researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine and the University of California have identified 175 brain cells which spy on the breath and alter state of mind accordingly. Controling the inhale and exhale would bring a sense of calm.

Being mindful of your breath simply means observing and opening your awareness to your breath: to your breathing in and your breathing out, without controlling or judging it in any way: letting it be. ... Then you will find that you can take a mindful breath any place, any time, without closing your eyes.